Pray Her Forward

Christian Mentorship Program

Serving individuals, small groups, churches, schools, and ministries

We all need a mentor.

We can’t do life alone. Jesus’s greatest commandment was to love others as He first loved us. To love, we must “always protect, always trust, always hope, and always persevere.” We must “be patient and we must be kind.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Many of us feel like the world is moving too fast to take a breath, come together, and love and lead each other with purpose and intentionality.

Pray Her Forward makes space for just that— to love through mentorship, friendship, and the opportunity to ask, seek, and find. Mentorship is biblical. Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." We sharpen one another by sharing experiences, encouraging scripture, asking hard questions, and praying powerful prayers.

We pray each other forward.

An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her? Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls.
— Proverbs 31:10
She is more precious than pearls - nothing you want can compare to her.
— Proverbs 3:15

You are more precious than pearls!

Why do pearls represent the foundation of Pray Her Forward? Our English word “pearl” is actually derived from Sanskrit, which means “pure.” Biblically, the concept of holiness carries the idea of purity with it. In the New Testament, the pearl is a symbol of Jesus’s perfection and His salvation. Job 28:18 says “Coral and quartz are not worth mentioning. The price of wisdom is beyond pearls.”

The unique symbolism represented by the formation of a pearl is fascinating. Pearls are formed from brokenness. When an “irritant,” like a tiny piece of sand, shell, or bacteria, becomes trapped inside the shell of an oyster or mussel, layers of materials that make up its shell are secreted, and after months or years, form a perfectly magnificent pearl. This process also represents heaven, for through salvation we may enter heaven through “twelve gates of twelve pearls” and “each separate gate is made of one single pearl.” (Revelation 21:21) Thus, the pearl seamlessly became the symbol for Pray Her Forward.

How can mentorship help?

John 15:5 says that without God “we can do nothing” and Romans 3:23 says, “We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We are saved by grace alone, and not by our acts, good deeds, or accomplishments. However, in Ephesians 4, God urges us to live a life worthy of the calling we have received. He calls us to be a God-honoring Holy people and to live righteously. He sent His only Son to die for our sins, and our obedient response is a way of thanking and honoring Him for His great sacrifice.

As we pursue God’s calling to be a Holy people, we find that we often need someone to help us “restring our pearls” so that we can start wearing them again. We need that reminder that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus. His love is unconditional, so let’s show Him how thankful we are for His abounding love.

Let’s restring your pearls.

Here’s how it works.

Pray Her Forward was founded in 2024 to provide mentorship, fellowship, and spiritual guidance for young women ages 15-25 through curriculum, mentorship support, and online resources delivered by mentors who have gone before us. Our vision is to encourage mentees in their walk with Jesus Christ while navigating various challenges during high school, college, and young professional years. Through the volunteerism of our mentors both in our local communities and online, PHF allows for an encouraging environment for topical guidance, testimony, bible study, and prayer. Our curriculum is designed for hosting one to three-hour mentorship sessions of various age groups with each session focusing on one of twelve relatable topics. PHF provides resources for all mentors to be screened and interviewed to ensure that their values and beliefs align with the spoken Word of God and the foundation of Pray Her Forward.


  • Serving females ages 13-25, PHF will soon offer curriculum for mentors and mentees plus online mentorship resources to support your mentorship journey! Coming soon, you will be able to visit our online shop for mentorship curriculum and bundles. If your church is a partner, please check with your PHF church leader for next steps. Otherwise, we invite you to fill out an interest form on our Sign-up page if you are interested in virtual mentorship. Once you attend, you can “Pray Her Forward” by inviting a friend to check out PHF, too!

  • Coming soon, our PHF curriculum will be available to mentors and mentees for purchase on our website. If you are looking for a mentor and your church is not yet a PHF partner, navigate to our “Sign-up” page to request PHF mentorship sessions based on your location and age range.

  • PHF Mentoring is currently offered to young women ages 15-25. If you are under the age of 18, PHF requires a consent form from one or both parents or guardians to participate.

  • That is totally okay! We welcome mentees of all faith backgrounds to come and participate in the PHF mentorship series. Our curriculum and teachings align with the Holy Bible, which is the spoken Word of God, and PHF identifies as non-denominational Christian. However, all are welcomed! You can read more about PHF’s values and beliefs as well as our mentee/ mentor agreements here.

  • The Pray Her Forward curriculum and teachings currently include twelve topics that are relatable for girls and young women ages 15-29. Examples include, but are not limited to: the power of prayer, dating and relationships, health and wellness, managing our emotions, and more! Optional mentee surveys and questionnaires will allow us to continue adding to our topics archive as we grow, so please share with us on our Contact Page topics you are interested in!

  • Pray Her Forward mentorship pricing varies based on mentorship support and resources. Please contact your PHF church contact if your church is a current partner. Otherwise, please check our store (coming soon) for curriculum pricing and packages. PHF also operates through gifts and offerings, so we thank you for your gifts using our “Give” page!

A pearl for each milestone

Have you ever had a bracelet break off your wrist, only to find a million little beads rolling away from you in all directions? Frantically, you scramble to try and scoop them up without losing any, in hopes to one day restring your favorite bracelet. Sometimes, this is what life feels like. Our bracelet breaks unexpectedly and we’re not ready to clean up the mess, to recover what was lost, to restring our pearls. Sometimes, we just need someone to help.

Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 says that “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Thank God, we aren’t meant to do life alone! It takes prayer, a support system, and sometimes plain old hard work to feel like we’ve “got it together!”

The good news is that when you accept Christ as Lord over your life, the result is immediate: salvation everlasting. You are not “gradually” saved, but spontaneously and completely changed into a new person. Your life is given over into King Jesus’s capable hands. However, this does not mean we immediately feel the result of the most important decision we will ever make. Much like restringing a pearl bracelet, it often takes “one pearl at a time” to fully heal from our past and learn to live the rich and fulfilling life Jesus has for us. Just as it takes months (often years) to form a single pearl, a life of obedience does not happen over night. Each prayer we pray, verse we read, and mentor who speaks life into us are all part of our growing faith walk with the Lord…. and none of us have “arrived!” Even your most admired role model or respected pastor is a sinner saved by grace… who still has much to learn!

As you journey with Pray Her Forward, you will receive a “virtual pearl” for each session you complete to symbolize a gradual “restringing of your pearls!” For those who complete at least ten sessions of the 12-session series, you will receive a special “surprise” gift… can you guess what it might be?!

We pray that you commit to each and every session with us fully and expectantly- expecting that God WILL move and prayers WILL be answered. “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 1:6

“As you draw near to God, He will draw near to you.” - James 4:8

We’re on this journey together. So why try to walk it alone?